Softball Camp

So, I’m going into a softball camp this summer, and I wanted to keep you guys updated. I’m so sorry that I haven’t been posting! I’m exited to tell you about my new camp. The first thing I wanted to tell you guys is that I’ve been practicing my skills for pitching, catching, and more. I have been doing pretty good at catching, but pitching not so much. I just cannot get the steps for the right stance. But, on the other hand I’m pretty good at catching the softball. I love doing low balls, those are my favorite. A low ball is pretty much a rolling softball. With low balls you are supposed to squat down and put your hands down in the middle of your leg. But, the other thing I have to work on is high balls. A high ball is a ball that you throw as high as you can in the air, and then you run and catch it. Also, pitching is hard too, I’m not so good at the stance. But the hardest part about pitching, in my opinion is throwing the ball. Sometimes, I will pretty much roll the ball, or the ball will go flying in the air. On the other hand, I’m really good at hitting. My brother said that he might take me to a batting cage before I go to camp. So, that would be awesome. Well, I hope you guys have an amazing day!


– Sara ^.^